Monday, May 15, 2006

Dear Diary: Today I emailed a post to blogger

I'll be anxious to see if the post here shows up in Technorati, etc., as the links at the bottom are just that, and don't really have the full tag syntax embedded. If I figure out how to do that in an email, look for an update here on Kinderbloggin.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Technorati Tags

Rather than struggle with my tortured explanations of tagging for Technorati, here is Technorati's own explanation.

After we've all disgisted that, I can brain dump on what XML is (another form of tagging, or markup, similar to HTML), and things like Atom.

Monday, May 01, 2006

BrainJams New Orleans

Just wanted to shout out for my vast audience of, well, almost 10 NOLA bloggers that presence of this conference this week.